Thursday, 3 October 2019

Post 4: Climate Change

The Climate change is an actual phenomenon in the world. This topic is very important for me because our planet have a limited life time, and there still time to make sociocultural chance and to reduce environmental damage.

In this point of my life, my lifestyle is changing, I am using healthy products of natural origin as possible, I use the bicycle as a vehicle to move around the city and I am searching for alternatives to reduce my carbon footprint.

I feel concerned by the future of planet because is now affecting animals and plants. Thousands of life forms are dying and suffering in this moment. If we do not make a chance, this will get worse.

In my opinion, the possible solutions are to raise environmental awareness and to make chance in the environmental regulations of the countries.

First of all, the countries have to reduce their carbon emissions and is necessary to take account the possibility of development and integration of renewable and non-conventional resources.

This year, the cop25 will be in our country. This is an excellent opportunity for the environmental awareness in Chile because is the main theme in the news and the television. This is the first step to generate positive changes!!


  1. developed countries are the main pollutants

  2. I wanna go to cop25, I think is a very important situation for our country
